Scientific work of students

The student group “Advertising in tourism” was created to attract gifted student youth to research in the field of tourism.
The activity of the scientific circle “Advertising activity in tourism” in practice is organized as follows: monthly at its current meetings, the time of which is set in agreement with all students-members of the circle, a presentation of students’ works, their discussion takes place.
The purpose and main tasks of the circle:
1. formation of students’ system of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in advertising in the field of tourism;
2. raising the level of professionalism;
3. promoting self-expression of students in the process of professional training;
4. formation of feelings of collectivism and responsibility;
5. intellectual and spiritual development of personality.
6. deepening professional knowledge of students;
7. developing skills for independent research, creative thinking;
8. promoting the publication by students of scientific articles and abstracts;
9. participation in solving theoretical and practical problems related to advertising in tourism;
10. development of student projects (advertising of accommodation, green estates, tourist complexes);
11. promoting the formation of students’ personalities as researchers by increasing their scientific activity while participating in the work of the circle.

Scientific orientation: search for new approaches to advertising of tourist products of the region.