Scientific Board
Regulations on the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Tourism
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
Created: 03 September, 2003
Last updated: December 26, 2017
The Scientific Board of the Faculty is a collegial body of the Faculty. The Scientific Board of the Faculty is headed by its Chairman – the Dean of the Faculty. The Scientific Board of the Faculty consists of Dean Deputies, Heads of Departments, Chairman of the Trade Union Bureau, Chairman of the Trade Union Bureau of Students, Chairman of the Faculty Senate, heads of public self-government bodies of the faculty, as well as elected members representing research and teaching staff, doctors of sciences; elected members who represent other staff of the faculty and who work in it on a permanent basis, in accordance with the quotas defined in the Charter of the University. The personnel composition of the Scientific Board of the Faculty is approved by the Rector for up to 7 years. It can be updated in case of structural changes of the Faculty.
The competence of the Scientific Board of the Faculty of Tourism includes:
– determination of general directions of scientific activity of the Faculty;
– election (by secret ballot) and recommendation to the Rector of the University of a candidate for the position of the Dean of the Faculty;
– hearing of the annual reports of the Dean;
– approval of curricula and study plans;
– approval of annual work plans of structural units of the Faculty;
– defining the topics of scientific research and discussing reports on their implementation;
– solving issues of organization of the educational process at the Faculty;
– submission of proposals to the Scientific Board of the University on the appointment of nominal scholarships;
– determination of students for study according to individual curricula;
– approval of annual reports of graduate students;
Decisions of the Scientific Board of the Faculty are implemented by the orders of the Dean of the Faculty. The term of office of the Scientific Board of the Faculty is up to seven years. Meeting of the Scientific Board of the Faculty is valid if it is attended by the two thirds of the total number of members of the Scientific Board. Decisions are made if more than half of those present voted for them.
Scientific Board of the Faculty of Tourism
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
1. Velykochyi V.S. – Professor, Chairman of the Scientific Board, Dean of the Faculty of Tourism
2. Chorna L.V. – Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Board, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies
3. Ugrinyuk V.M. – Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies
4. Kalutskyi I.F. – Professor of the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies
5. Klapchuk V.M. – Professor, Head of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Resort Business.
6. Shykerynets V.V. – Associate Professor, Deputy Dean for Research Affairs , the Head of the Department of Tourism Organization and Socio-Cultural Activities and Event Management
7. Chagrak N.I. – Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies.
8. Priymak L.B. – Secretary of the Scientific Board, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Regional Studies.
9. Humenyuk H.M. – Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee.
10. Filyuk S.M. – Associate Professor, the Head of the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies.
11. Kovalska L.V. – Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies.
12. Zarichnyak A.P. – teacher of the Department of Tourism and Regional Studies.
13. Polova L.V. – Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Restaurant Business and Resort Business.
14. Novosyolov O.V. – Associate Professor of the Department ofHotel and Restaurant Business and Resort Business.
15. Orlova V.V. – Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism Organization and Socio-Cultural Activities and Event Management.
16. – the Chairperson of the Student Trade Union Committee .
17. – the Chairperson of the Student Senate